Immersive Learning

The European Union Center offers and encourages various immersive learning opportunities meant to enrich the academic experience of Illinois students. Below you will find examples of programs currently offered at the University of Illinois regarding the European Union.

EU FlagThe Model European Union provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to learn about and simulate the inner workings of the European Union while attending conferences around the United States. These simulations are not only a great opportunity for students to learn about and catch up on current world issues, but they allow students to develop their research, debate, and public speaking skills. Further, students will be able to form valuable connections with students and faculty from other universities.

The Schuman Challenge is an annual foreign affairs competition hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to the United States and George Washington University that allows student teams to present and defend policy initiatives related to the transatlantic alliance to a panel of judges made up of diplomats, foreign policy experts, and reporters. The University of Illinois sends one team to the competition every year.

Click here for past examples of European immersive learning opportunities available at the University of Illinois.