The European Union Center (EUC) is committed to providing educational and professional opportunities to faculty at Community Colleges (CC) and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI) in Illinois. Please explore the following links for current opportunities and application instructions. We are happy to answer any questions at
Grant Applications: The University of Illinois is pleased to offer funding for professional and educational travel, course development, and events related to European Union studies for faculty at CCs/MSIs. These funds are available through the EUC's Department of Education Title VI grant. Please visit the Faculty Funding page for application instructions and examples of past grants. The EUC is currently collaborating with the Midwest Institute for International/Intercultural Education (MIIIE) to sponsor a CC Teams 2020-2024 project and provide a community college — selected through a competitive proposal process — with $10,000 to enhance its international and intercultural programming with a regional focus on Europe and the Middle East. Please see here for a selection of recent CC/MSI grant proposals funded by the EU Center.
EU Studies Conference: CC and MSI faculty are encouraged to attend and present at our annual EU Studies Conference, which brings together regional college faculty, scholars, and graduate students with the aim of advancing research and teaching on the European Union at universities and four-year and two-year colleges in Illinois and the Midwest. It facilitates the building of a dynamic network for regional educators and scholars with interests in EU studies by presenting them with an intimate venue to share current research and ideas about teaching, develop new professional relationships, and learn about opportunities sponsored by the EU Center.
Summer Curriculum Workshop: This workshop is hosted by the EU Center for K-12 teachers and community college faculty. The workshop has been held in both an in-person and virtual format, and it features topics supporting coursework in foreign language, world & US history, economics, politics, and more. You can find more details on workshop themes and content on the Curriculum Workshop page.