Undergraduate Programs

The European Union Center supports rich opportunities for undergraduate students to learn about the European Union, Europe, and European languages and cultures in several ways.

5-year BA/MAEUS program

For students thinking about taking their interests in Europe and international affairs to the next level, the EUC's 5 Year BA/MA program allows students majoring in partner departments to supplement their Bachelor’s degree with an accelerated-track Master’s degree in European Union Studies (MAEUS).The EUC’s MAEUS program is integral to the life of the center and the roles that it plays on campus and in the world.

Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowships and Immersive Learning

The European Union Center is a U.S. Department of Education Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship-granting center. Each year the EU Center provides 5-10 undergraduate students with financial support intended to free up student time for academic-year and intensive summer language study, both domestically and abroad. For student perspectives on FLAS, please see the EUC blog. Additionally, the EU Center sponsors the simulation/game-based University of Illinois Model EU Team and the Schuman Challenge Team in competitions that can extend beyond campus. Students also have the opportunity to gain experience writing about topics of academic and professional interest for the EUC blog. 

Courses and Events

In some cases, the EU Center operates behind the scenes. This includes providing funds to departments and facilitating connections to support course development, and providing student opportunities abroad through university offices such as IAGE and LAS International Programs. The EU Center also regularly sponsors undergraduate courses on a wide range of topics under a “EURO” designation. Undergraduates are very welcome to meet us at the many EU Center sponsored and co-sponsored talks and events during the semester —many of which are directly related to the content of undergraduate courses —and enhance their understanding of world events, languages, and cultures through several activities that specifically seek undergraduate participation.