CEURO Roundtables & Workshops

Researchers, students, practitioners, and civil society representatives will present their views and research on transatlantic relations. Roundtables are scheduled in the same week as the CEURO Spring School and will offer students and the wider interested audience the chance to follow high-level debates. 

CEURO RoundtableThe first Roundtable for Spring School 2019 was held on March 18th in Leuven, Belgium.  The flyer for this event is here.

The second Roundtable for Spring School 2019 took place on April 9th in Champaign, IL.  See our Calendar event for more information.  The flyer for this event is here.

The first of our Roundtables took place on March 19, 2018 in Leuven, Belgium. See our Calendar event for information on speakers, topics, and registration.  A flyer with details and a speaker list is here.

Video of Part 1 of the KU Leuven Roundtable 2018 (follow link to view online)

Video of Part 2 of the KU Leuven Roundtable 2018 (follow link to view online)

The second of our Roundtables took place on April 3, 2018 in Champaign, IL. See our Calendar event for more information.  A flyer with details and a speaker list is here. The video recording of the roundtable is below.

Transatlantic Relations Roundtable Video