10/05/2023 - Spring 2024 courses are now available to view on Course Explorer. Any of these courses may be used to meet the EU Center's FLAS area studies course requirement. Please note that this is not an...
09/27/2023 - We are pleased to announce that Amanda Smith has joined the EU Center as its new Academic Coordinator. Amanda is completing a Ph.D. in French Cultural Studies at the University of Illinois and works...
09/25/2023 - The Illinois High School Translation Competition is back for 2023-24! If you're a high school student who knows Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Swedish, or Ukrainian, we encourage you to participate...
09/12/2023 - As the EU Center embarks on a year of transition and reinvention, Associate Director Markian Dobczansky would like to take this moment to greet all of you and share some important news.
09/11/2023 - Are you interested in learning a new language or practicing your skills in a language? If so, please check out the following Language Conversation Tables on campus! Arabic: The...
08/23/2023 - Congratulations to the students who received Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for the Academic Year 2023-2024! We wish you all a productive and rewarding year of language study...
07/03/2023 - The European Union Center (EUC) is searching for an Academic Coordinator. This position will provide specialized intellectual instruction to the students in the Master's program in European Union...
05/08/2023 - Congratulations to the students who received Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships for summer 2023! We wish you all a productive and rewarding summer of language study.
05/04/2023 - Check out our latest LibGuide on sustainability and Europe, providing resources for researchers studying the ties between sustainability and agriculture, art, business, feminism, migration, and more.
04/25/2023 - On June 16-17, the European Union Center will co-host a workshop in Pavia, Italy to discuss the current U.S.-centric hegemonic paradigm of racialization in light of alternative spaces and...
04/25/2023 - The European Union Center is seeking applications for two research assistants with interest in research, outreach activities, and academic development. The deadline to apply is Monday, May 8 at 12 P....
04/10/2023 - The Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago announces the U.S. Tour of Inferno 1911, which will come to Urbana on Sunday, May 7. Don't miss this screening of the groundbreaking 1911 silent film L’...
04/04/2023 - Please join us in Coble Hall 306 on April 13-14 for the 13th Annual EU Studies Conference: "Who is European? Inclusion and Exclusion within and without Europe."
03/31/2023 - York Community High School (Elmhurst, Ill.), St. Joseph High School (South Bend, Ind.), and International Academy Central (White Lake, Mich.) are advancing to the semi-final round in New York!
03/27/2023 - The European Union Center is pleased to announce the results of the 2022-23 Illinois High School Translation Competition. Forty-three students from 24 schools in Illinois participated in the...